The long Pending Discussion

The major part of the last meeting was to decide a plan of action for the PointPool module. This was an architecture discussion long pending, and we finally had the time (and common availability) only during the meeting.

A lot of possible implementations popped up before the discussion, and deciding on how to implement was the goal. Every possibility has pros and cons, and no concrete implementation specifics could be finalized. We decided to go ahead with a detailed Tutorial/Wiki to document and explain the possibilities, and leaving it to the implementor of pools to decide based on their need.

So, a few things have changed in my project timeline, replacing the work to be done on implementation of PointPools with documentation and creating a Wiki for it.

Completing the Backlog…

I moved to backlog of issues in Health module and decided to complete them before going to refactor stage. I worked on performance improving issue of converting regenEndTime map to sorted map, so that getting lowest end time is optimized.

This introduced a bug, unfortunately. I am currently working on correcting that issue, which is causing inconsistencies in multiplayer, stopping regen of damaged player who leaves and re-joins the game.

I also worked on handling of case when 0 regenValue is added to scheduler. This causes unnecessary processing in RegenSystem. Not adding this type of regeneration can improve performance of the system.

Did I tell you about Refactor?

I also started to work on refactoring existing modules to depend on the modified APIs provided by the Health module. I dont want to individually link all the PRs, as it would take so much space that you would just close this post before reaching the end.

So, I will just mention the name of modules i worked upn: Anatomy, Behaviors, Breathing, Combat system, Damaging Blocks, Equipments, Funny Blocks, GooKeeper, Healing Blocks, Adventure Assets, Inferno, Snake Tutorial, Tutorial Behaviors and Wood & stone.

A few are left: Hunger, Thirst and Light & Shadow.

Due to refactor, I got to know about a lot of modules that I didn’t know existed in Tera land.

What Next?

The next step after resolving existing issues and complete refactor is to work on the Tutorial/Wiki to document possibilites of point pool/meter implementations. I might hit on some strech goals if that too is completed.